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Book Review: How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days

Writer's picture: P.G of the Emporium P.G of the Emporium

Title: How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days

Author: K.M Jackson

Genre: Romance/Rom.Com

What's it about?

Lu is devastated when she learns that her long-time celerity crush is engaged to be married and ready to retire in just 90 days. How is that even possible?! She's heart broken as is her best friend, Dawn, but they both have to move on, right? But then her other best friend, True, tells her that he "has a guy" and can get Lu face to face with the one and only Keanu Reeves, her crush, her obsession, her dream man! But, even when you're you going on adventures with your best friend, a smart, handsome, funny man, things don't always go as planned. Especially when one of the duo is in love with the other.


Favorite character: My absolute favorite character was True, and not becuase he was kind of cute in my head, too. He was sweet, sensitive, smart and grounded. I found myself looking forward to the chapters that were told from his point of view.

But, as much as I really liked True, I think Lu made me laugh the most. And make no mistake about it, I laughed through a chunk of this book. I also liked how confident she was, how colorful she was and, one of my favorite things about her and Dawn was that they were adults, not much older then me, but they were still trying to get their crap together. They didn't feel like those characters that make you think there's something wrong with you becuase they aren't much older then you and has somehow managed a level of maturity and togetherness that you're still dreaming of.

Least Favorite character: Daniel because he's over confident and a little to d-baggy. But really, the reason he lands himself at the top of this list is because there isn't really "bad guy" in this story, so there wasn't a lot to choose from.

Favorite Part: The bathroom scene at the party. I think it was the point when I knew that I was really going to like this book. I laughed through most of the scene. It started with a "it's funny because it's true", went to laughing at the awkward humor and ended with just laughing at the funny humor.

Least Favorite Part: The beginning. There wasn't really anything wrong with it, it was just slow and the characters had bigger personalities then I expected, though that might be because I've been reading slower, darker non-fiction lately so it was a sharper change then I was expecting.

Other thoughts?

Yes, this book could be considered fluff and stupid. The storyline isn't complex and there are no surprise twists (it's pretty easy to tell within the first chapter or two how it will end) and the characters aren't complicated and full of multiple, deep layers (at least not in this book though I'd believe that they are more complex then this book portrays them). It's not a book that begs for a lot of thought, analysis and deep concentration. But, it's a fun, fluffy rom com that was enjoyable to experience. It was that fun book that cleanses the pallet for deeper book or just a great escape from reality, and let's face it, we all need that sometimes.

As far as the elephant in the room, and I know you're wondering, Keanu Reeves? Really? I know. I have nothing against the guy. I enjoy some of his movies but he's not my choice of movie star to chase across the country, either. I actually started this book a littler concerned and, while it was cheesy (no surprise there) the whole Keanu Reeves thing wasn't as weird or overdone as I thought it would be. I felt like there was just the right amount of Keanu and a lot of cameo appearances from a number of other people. While expected the whole Keanu obsession was going to be the center of the story and any other love story would be squeezed in around the Keanu storyline, the truth is, most of the time it was the other way around and that is something I could get behind.

I was truly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book and that I'd even read it again in the future. I felt like it was a fun, cheesy, light hearted rom com done well which is not as easy to find as you might think. And, they added touch of racial issues and conversations in as well which I'm all for. I'd totally recommend it to my rom. com. junkie friends.

What do I rate this?

I give this a


out of

10 Keanu Reeves

But that's just what I thought. What did you think? Did the Keanu Reeves storyline chase you away? Let us know below.


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